Author of "Chasing the Dream", a non-fiction book about the US Space Program that tells what really happened in our space program over the past 50 years.
Dr. Dana G Andrews, PhD
I am a retired Rocket Scientist and I have heard all the jokes. I worked for the Boeing Company for over 33 years, then worked for one of my sons for ten years, and finally ended up consulting and teaching at the University of Washington. I enjoyed my career, but I was often disappointed by political decisions that negated the good engineering work done for the NASA, the USAF, and the DARPA. Hence this book. I started writing about the programs I worked on first, then programs worked on by close colleagues, and finally wrote about future programs I had analyzed. The book took six years to write with most of the effort over the last ten months.
I enjoyed telling my story and I hope you find it interesting and educational.